Poppy Perspective
When I lived in California, I thought there was only one kind of poppy. The orange, papery thin petals popped...
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The value of Connection (or how Scent made "Sense")
A few of you have asked me if I'm still doing wedding invitations. And the answer is YES. Weddings...
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Podcasts are my Reality TV
This last six weeks have been a whirlwind of production: press checking, lining, tying, stuffing, wax sealing. Just in...
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5 tips to beat winter (hint - it involves margaritas)
I don't need to tell you about winter fatigue. If you live in pretty much ALL of the US,...
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How a letter opened a door...
I thought about titling this post, "How a letter changed my life" but that sounded a little overstated....
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Living Outside
I'm still on my mini sabbatical; refueling before getting back to work on Tuesday. We returned from our road...
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How to connect in your Community
Inspired by my trip to Alt Summit last week, I was reminded of the importance of getting out of...
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The importance of Real connection (Alt Summit RECAP)
Photo courtesy of Alt Summit[/caption] Inspired by our friend, fellow Californian, and official Sarah Drake photographer Julia Franzosa's recent...
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Letter Writing
826CHI is one of those supremely special places. A non-profit writing center for kids that offers workshops, field trips...
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invitation inspiration
Excited to be in the depths of invitation design, as we prepare for the February launch of a dozen...
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Seasonal Shift
When I moved to Chicago 12 years ago from Southern California, I was in complete shock over the weather...
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