The value of Connection (or how Scent made "Sense")
A few of you have asked me if I'm still doing wedding invitations. And the answer is YES. Weddings...
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Sarah Drake In Vogue!
 So honored and completely excited that our marbled gold and white wax seals were featured in the February...
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Sarah Drake at Madewell
Excited to announce that I will be at Madewell in Chicago, Sunday May 3rd, from 11am-1pm, to introduce new...
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A Love Note for you...
...To send, gram, email, or print and cut and slip under the door of that cute guy or gal...
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How to connect in your Community
Inspired by my trip to Alt Summit last week, I was reminded of the importance of getting out of...
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sarah drake at west elm
A big thanks to those of you who came out to our paper craft evening at West Elm earlier...
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the ultimate luxury
week marks the time of year where we spend more time being hosts and guests. Whether you're traveling to...
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hostess with the mostess
Bring this to your barbeque today instead of a six pack of beer. It's a refreshing cocktail that it...
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Last Minute gifts and notes for your Valentine
When my son Charlie told me he just wanted to make simple white hearts for his classroom Valentines, MY...
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Linen gifts...
a thoughtful gift...personalized with her initials, a sweet saying, an ampersand, or significant date, embroidered linens are a way...
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the key to happiness, cure to indecision, and just plain feels good:
Gratitude. By this point, you've probably read lots of facebook entries and blog posts about what people are thankful...
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