Custom Invitations, the Process
Starting with the custom consultation in our chicago studio, our custom wedding invitations start with a conversation, which is...
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sarah drake at west elm
A big thanks to those of you who came out to our paper craft evening at West Elm earlier...
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studio happenings
So much going on this summer...but what's new? I love to stay busy, and this summer, each custom project...
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at home
It's with a sense of the surreal and much awe that I can finally say that my family is...
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Design Sneak Peek
I've always been up for a challenge- it seems that the challenge makes the completion of a project even...
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This month, I've been a little quiet on the blog and facebook, as I take the time to reflect,...
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antique lace menus
Applying lace! Our production guru, Emily, glues 5 different types of vintage lace trim to the bottom of each...
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invitation inspiration
Excited to be in the depths of invitation design, as we prepare for the February launch of a dozen...
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September = Wedding Production
 Just ask anyone in the wedding world, and they will tell you, September is the busiest month for weddings....
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Celebrating Summer and Seven Years...
The business turned seven over the weekend, and it's anniversary couldn't come at a better time, a better weekend,...
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summer vacation
 Stole away for a little vacation to cape cod last week with the family, and it was everything I...
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