Some say that the art of thank you notes had been lost with the emergence of email. Certainly, if you send an email thank you, it replaces the actual notes sent in the mail? Not exactly. A thank you note is always appreciated, as it shows the giver you value their thoughtfulness. When should you write an actual thank you versus an email? Certainly when you receive a gift, a thank you note is appropriate, but also if you are invited to a friends home, whether for an evening or a few days, it's a nice touch to mark the occasion on paper. Your friends will think you're a class act! It can be a bit daunting to sit and write an eloquent one. Here are some tips to scribing a well - written note: • Start with a few sentences about seeing the person at the baby shower, wedding or wherever the gift was given. Before you even express your thanks for the gift, it's important to show your appreciation that the giver made the effort to attend the occasion: "It was so fun to spend last Sunday afternoon with you! I'm so glad we were able to share the arrival of our little one with friends like you." Or "What a whirlwind our wedding weekend was- John and I loved catching up with you at the welcome reception. Seeing you and Paul was such a treat - I'm so glad you were able to take a few days to celebrate with us." Or "It was so great to connect with so many neighbors at your cocktail party-now I have names for the faces!" • Include something personal about the giver: "You sure stood out at the party in that gorgeous blue dress." Or; "I appreciated you answering the door; it freed me up to get food on the table." • If a your note was for a gift given, include a line about how you'll use/appreciate the item:" The vase you sent looks lovely in our foyer, what a great excuse to run out and pick up some fresh flowers to brighten our entrance!" "The receiving blankets are washed and ready to go in the baby's room- we can't wait for her arrival." This assures the giver that the gift was appreciated. As an appreciation to our blog readers, we're offering 20% off our six pack of letterpress thank you notes. Just enter FRIEND at checkout. Also, stay tuned for a new collection, and Two new products. On the site Monday!
This is great advice. I would love to add it to my blog. Ok with you? Thanks…