I didn’t set out to make a skin care product. But I knew I wanted to create something for my brand that meant something important to me. The basis of the essence is a long story, and I have described in four parts starting here, but I wanted to bring it back to even earlier, and share the first inklings of the idea.
The beginning of the scent story was a walk to my Rogers Park “secret” beach, the place I go that connects me to myself. So I guess it started with water without me knowing it at the time. The beach is where I can hear myself, reset, just be and listen. I was unsure of the next steps in my business, back in 2014, so I sat in the sand with my journal and asked this question, what direction should my business take? And the answer that I heard was “scent”.
I kept writing about it… why? Scent seems strange and left field, but my intuition had a deeper knowing: “It’s the connection you’re always working towards. It connects people to memories, times in our lives. It brings us back to places we used to be. You attach moments to scent and places to scent. That swing in your backyard was under a jacaranda tree, and that tree smelled vaguely musky with a hint of mild sweetness to it, sort of like a combination of honey and wet earth. So every time you smell those purple blossoms, you are taken back to that sweet time where it never got cold and you played endlessly with your brother.
And so a lot went into this little 3.4 oz bottle besides the flowers and plant extracts that nurture your skin: El Salvador and the refugee village that has no water, the young girls who live there that deserve a safe home, how water nurtures us and keeps us safe and healthy, and the beginning of it all, the small flutter of a knowing back in 2014. So when you smell the complex warm honey notes of the mimosa, the fruity, green, and somewhat sweet scent of jasmine, and the complex bitter citrus of neroli, I hope to connect you to not only El Salvador, yourselves when you use it, but the path I took to get there too.
We’re offering a special pre order price of $48, along with free shipping through Friday. After I receive 20 orders, we will go into production on the next batch. Planning to ship the first week of June!
Since essential oils can break down skin’s barriers when used in large amounts, we were careful to use way under the recommendations to protect your skin, only .25%, and also to not overwhelm the senses when you use 735 Flora Vista on your skin. Combined with the raw honey, hibiscus extract, hyaluronic acid, aloe, and yucca, it creates a fresh and clean, slightly sweet scent that lingers just while wet. Full list of ingredients can be found on our product page.