Poppy Progress: I'm super excited to share the inspiration behind this design, why it matters, and the personal nature of it, but before I do that, I thought you might like a peek into the process of the design and decision making.
I bought this celandine poppy, native to Illinois, for ground cover for my front yard.
Last summer, I sketched them out in pencil, then painted in watercolor.
Then I wanted to have a lineart version of them, after I had already painted, so re-sketched them: pencil, then ink, because what I was doing on screen wasn't working for me. Too computer-y. Maybe you saw that post a couple weeks back?
I bring it all into illustrator and make a huge mess on my artboards.
Does this make you anxious? LOL
In order to clean up my thoughts, and try scale and color, I tried
three layouts for the semi-custom invitation line.Which do you prefer? I would love it if you would head over to instagram
and vote on your favorite design: 1, 2, or 3!